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Kimberly Libman

klibmanDr. Kimberly Libman joined the New York Academy of Medicine’s Division of Health Policy in May 2014. In this role she conducts research on obesity, chronic disease prevention, and the community development potential of implementing the Affordable Care Act. She also co-facilitates a statewide food policy work group and serve on the Farm to Institution New York State Leadership Committee. She also supports the New York State Prevention Agenda by facilitating a learning collaborative on implementing nutrition standards in hospitals.

Her research has examined how urban governance and intersectoral collaboration shape food environments and health inequality in New York City, London, and Cape Town. She led two World Health Organization-funded case studies investigating the determinants of intersectoral action for the prevention and treatment of diet-related non-communicable diseases in these cities. In 2010, she was a Policy Fellow with the New York State Assembly and helped enact legislation restricting specialty-tiers in prescription drug formularies. She has also conducted research on the health impacts of the mortgage foreclosure crisis. Dr. Libman has published in the Journal of Urban Health, Housing Policy Debate, Housing, Theory & Society, Environmental Education & Communication, and the Journal of Urban Affairs. With Susan Saegert, and Desiree Fields, she is the 2009 recipient of the Journal of Urban Affairs Best Article of the Year Award. Kimberly holds a doctorate in Environmental Psychology from the CUNY Graduate Center, MPH in Community Health education from Hunter College, and a BA in Science, Technology and Society from Eugene Lange College. Her early career focused on urban environmental and garden-based education.

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 Supported by the CUNY Doctoral Students Council.