Hannah Jaicks is an interdisciplinary scientist working with rural communities on how to coexist with native wildlife to improve the stability of wild and working landscapes for human and nonhuman animals. She is currently the Program Director for a regional nonprofit in the Northern Rockies based out of Bozeman, Montana. She received her PhD in Environmental Psychology from the Graduate Center at CUNY in 2016. Her graduate training in environmental psychology enables her to develop stronger avenues of communication and inclusion amongst the public, decision makers and scientists around issues of wildlife conservation and working landscapes. When she’s not at work, she’s winding up locally sourced wool for her latest knitting project to improve local textile supply chains and reduce the carbon footprint of her consumer practices.
Forthcoming publications:
2022 (In Preparation). Jaicks, H.F. Wild and Working: A Journey Through Montana’s Shared Ranching Landscapes. Trinity University Press.
2021 (In Press). Jaicks, H.F. Trekking a Predator’s Journey Through the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. In A. Colombino & J.E. Steinkrüger (Eds.), Methods in Human-Animal Studies: The Question(s) of the Animal(s) in Practice. New York: Routledge.