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Recommended Readings

New students and those interested in the program often ask for us for recommended readings. This list is compiled primarily from student and faculty recommendations, and is based on texts identified as representative of, or core to, our work.

Andersson, J. (2007). Hygiene aesthetics on London’s gay scene: the stigma ofAIDS. In: Campkin, B., Cox, R. (Eds.)Dirt: New Geographies of Cleanliness andContamination.London: IB Tauris Publishing, 103-112

Bailey, M. (2014) Engendering spaces: Ballroom culture and the spatial practice of possibility in Detroit. Gender Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography 12(4), pp. 489-507.

Bakos, M.; Bozic, R.; Chapin, D.; & Neuman, S. (1980). Effects of environmental changes on elderly residents’ behavior. Psychiatric Services, 31(10), pp. 667-682.

Benjamin, Walter. 2007. Illuminations. New York: Schocken Books.

Blokland, T. (2008). “You Got to Remember you live in Public Housing”: Place-Making in an American Housing Project. Housing, Theory and Society 25(1), pp. 31-46.

Brown, T.L. (2019). Racialized architectural space: A critical understanding of its production, perception and evaluation. Architecture_MPS, 2019, 15(3), pp. 1- 32.

Cahill, C. (2007). Negotiating grit and glamour: young women of color and the gentrification of the lower east side. City & Society, 19(2), 202–231.

Chakrabarti, Ranjana. (2010). “Therapeutic networks of pregnancy care: Bengali immigrant women in New York City. Social Science & Medicine 71,362-369.

Checker, M. (2015). Green is the New Brown: “Old School Toxics” and the Environmental Gentrification on a New York City Waterfront. In Sustainability in the Global City: Myth and Practice. Isenhour, C.; McDonogh, G.; Checker, C. (Eds.) NY: Cambridge University Press. Pp. 157-179.

Checker, M. (2005). Polluted promises: Environmental racism and the search for justice in a southern town. NYU Press.

Clayton, S. & Manning, C. (2018). Psychology and Climate Change. Academic Press.

Clayton, S. & Opotow, S. (2004). Introduction: Identity and the natural environment. In Clayton, S. & Opotow, S. (Eds.). Identity and the Natural Environment: The Psychological Significance of Nature. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Coates, T. (2014). The Case for Reparations. The Atlantic, June 2014, 54-71.

Cooper-Marcus, Claire. 1995. House as a Mirror of Self. Conari Press.

Cranz, G. (2016). Ethnography for Designers. Routledge.

Cronon, William. “The trouble with wilderness: or, getting back to the wrong nature.” Environmental History 1, no. 1 (1996): 7-28.

Davis, Cheryl. (1987). Disability and the experience of architecture. In: Lifchez, Raymond. Rethinking architecture. Design students and physically disabled people. Berkeley: UC.

Duff, Cameron. (2010). “On the role of affect and practice in the production of place,”Environmental and Planning: Society and Space, 28,881-895

Eizenberg, E. (2012) Actually existing commons: Three moments of space in New York City. Antipode 44(33), pp. 764-782.

Fine, M., & Ruglis, J. (2009). Circuits and consequences of dispossession: The racialized realignment of the public sphere for US youth. Transforming Anthropology, 17(1),20–33.

Francis, Mark, & Hester, Randolph. The Meaning of Gardens. Cambridge: MIT

Fullilove, M. (1996). Psychiatric implications of displacement: Contributions from the psychology of place. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 153(12), pp. 1516-1523.

Fullilove, M. (2005). Root Shock: How Tearing Up City Neighborhoods Hurts America, and What We Can Do About It. NYC: Random House.

Fullilove, Mindy Thompson. (2014). “‘The Frayed Knot’: What happens to place attachment in the context of serial forced displacement?” In: Manzo, Lynne andDevine-Wright, Patrick (eds.)Place attachment: Advances in theory, methods andapplications. New York: Routledge, 149-153.

Gandy, M. 2003. Concrete and Clay:Reworking Nature in NewYork City. Cambridge: MIT Press

Gibson, J.J. [1986] “The Theory of Affordances.” Ecological Approaches to Visual Perception. Psychology Press.

Gieseking, J.J., Mangold, W., Katz, C., Low, S., Saegert, S. (2014). The People, Place, and Space Reader. Routledge

Gifford, R. (2014). Environmental psychology: Principles and practice (Fifth ed.). Victoria, BC: Optimal Books.

Given, L. M., & Leckie, G. J. (2003). “Sweeping” the library: Mapping the social activity space of the
public library. Library & Information Science Research, 25(4), 365–385.

Graham, L.; Debucquoy, W.; & Anguelovski, I. (2016). The Influence of urban development dynamics on community resilience practice in New York City after Superstorm Sandy: Experiences from the Lower East Side and the Rockaways. Global Environmental Change 40, pp. 112-124.

Greenbaum, J. 2004.Windows on the Workplace: Technology, Jobs, and the Organization of Office Work. New York: Monthly Review Press.

Gregory, S. 1998.Black Corona: Race and the Politics of Place in an UrbanCommunity. Princeton: Princeton University Press

Hart, R. (2002). Containing children: Some lessons on planning for play from New York City. Environment and Urbanization, 14(2), pp. 135-148.

Harvey, David. 1990. The Condition of Postmodernity. Blackwell.

Hayden, Dolores. 1995. The Power of Place. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

Heft, Harry. 2005. Ecological Psychology in Context: James Gibson, Roger Barker, and the Legacy of William James’s Radical Empiricism. Lawrence Erlbaum.

Heft, Harry. (1988). Affordances of children’s environments: A functional approach to environmental description. Children’s Environments Quarterly, 5,#3(Fall), 29-37.

Henderson, G.L. 2003. California and the Fictions of Capital: Place, Culture, and Politics. Philadelphia: Temple University Press

Hiss, Tony. 1990. The Experience of Place. New York: Vintage.

Johnson, Mark. (2007). The meaning of the body. Aesthetics and human understanding. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Jones, H., Neal, S., Mohan, G., Connell, K., Cochrane, A., & Bennett, K. (2015). Urban multiculture and
everyday encounters in semi-public, franchised cafe spaces. The Sociological Review, 63(3), 644–661.

Kaika, M. 2005.City of Flows: Modernity, Nature and the City. New York:Routledge.

Kellert, S. 2005.Building for Life: Designing and Understanding the Human-Nature Connection. Island Press.

Lang, J. T. (1987). Creating architectural theory: The role of the behavioral sciences in environmental design. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.

Lee, D., Ho, H., Banks, M., Giampieri, M., Chen, X., & Le, D. (2016). Delivering (in)justice: Food delivery cyclists in New York City. In A. Golub, M. Hoffmann, A. Lugo & G. Sandoval (Eds.), Bicycle Justice and Urban Transformation: Biking for all? NY: Routledge.

Lewin, K. (1943). “Psychological Ecology” In Defining the field at a given time. Psychological Review, 50(3), pp. 292.

Lippard, Lucy R. 1997. The Lure of the Local: Senses of Place in a Multicentered Society. New York: The New Press.

Low, S. (2003). Unlocking the gated community. Behind the Gates: Life, Security and the pursuit of happiness in Fortress America. Routledge: New York.

Lynch, K. (1960). Image of the City, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Manzo, L. C. (2005). For better or worse: Exploring multiple dimensions of place meaning. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 25(1), 67–86

Manzo, J. (2005). Social control and the management of “personal” space in shopping malls. Space and Culture, 8(1), 83–97.

Milgram, S. & Jodelet, D. (1970). Psychological maps of Paris. In Proshansky, H. Ittelson, W., & Rivlin, L. Environmental Psychology 2nd Edition, pp. 104-124. New York: Holt, Rinehart, & Winston.

Mitchell, Don. 2003. The Right to the City: Social Justice and the Fight for Public Space. NY: Guilford Press.

Pulido, L. (2000). Rethinking environmental racism: White privilege and urban development in Southern California. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 90(1),12–40.

Proshansky, Ittelson & Rivlin (Eds.) Environmental psychology. Man and his physical setting. New York: Holt, Rinehart &Winston,

Rojas, J. T. (1993). Los Angeles—The Enacted Environment of East Los Angeles. Places, 8(3).

Ruddick, S. (1996). Constructing difference in public spaces: race, class, and gender as interlocking systems. Urban Geography, 17(2), pp. 132-151.

Schivelbusch, Wolfgang. 1988. The Railway Journey: Trains and Travel in the Nineteenth Century. University of California Press.

Sciorra, Joseph. (1996). Return to the future: Puerto Rican vernacular architecture in New York City. In: King, Anthony D. (Ed.)Re-presenting the city. Ethnicity, capital and culture in the 21st-century metropolis. New York: NYU, 60-93.

Sternberg, Ester M. (2010). Healing Spaces. The Science of Place and Well-Being. Cambridge: Belknap Press.

Tuan, Y-F. 2001. Space and Place: The Perspective of Experience, 2nd Edition. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

White, M.M. (2011). Sisters of the Soil: Urban Gardening as Resistance in Detroit. Race/Ethnicity: Multidisciplinary Global Contexts 5(1), Food Justice (Autumn 2011), pp. 13-28.

Wineman, J. D., & Peponis, J. (2010). Constructing spatial meaning: Spatial affordances in
museum design. Environment and Behavior, 42(1), 86–109.

Wolfe, Maxine. (1977). “Childhood and privacy.” In: Children and the environment. Altman, Irwin and Wohlwil, Joachim (eds.) New York: Plenum, 175-222

Zeisel, J. 2006. Inquiry by design: environment/behavior/neuroscience in architecture, interiors, landscape, and planning. New York: W.W. Norton & Company

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