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Eleanor Luken

Advisor: Dr. Roger Hart

Eleanor holds a Master of Science in Architecture from University of Cincinnati where she studied the cultural geographies of children’s play space. She served as the Research Coordinator for Cincinnati’s laboratory and Head Start preschool, Project Manager for the Cincinnati Playscapes Initiative, and a grant writer and Project Manager for a multi-year National Science Foundation grant in Informal Science Education. Currently a resident Harlem, she has conducted archival and architectural research on the development of the neighborhood’s cinemas, theaters, and historic moviegoing practices. She is a co-founder of the User Design Information Group, which supports social equity in the built environment through combining social sciences research with architectural practice. Her dissertation “When Home is Work: Boundaries and Negotiations in Family Child Care” documents the home and work lives of family child care providers in New York.
Research Interests:  family child care in New York, early childhood play and education, Reggio Emilia influenced teaching and art education, cultural settings and leisure spaces (e.g. zoos, museums, cinemas), innovations in sustainable building practices, psychological impact of built environments, participatory design methodologies, social science pedagogy in undergraduate education, architectural and social histories of Harlem (NYC).

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 Supported by the CUNY Doctoral Students Council.