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Reilly Wilson

Advisor: Dr. Roger Hart

Reilly is a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow and research associate at the Children’s Environments Research Group. She was awarded a Masters by Research with Distinction in Geography from the University of Leeds for her thesis, Who Owns the Playground: Space and Power at Lollard Adventure Playground (1954-1961), funded through a US-UK Fulbright Commission University of Leeds Partnership Award. She also holds an Honors B.A. in Geography from Temple University, for which she conducted funded research in Bosnia-Herzegovina on playground privatization. Currently, Reilly is conducting archive research in attempt to construct a critical history of New York City adventure playgrounds, as well as working with a collective to open a (de)construction adventure playground in Brooklyn, NY, the first of its kind in New York City in forty years.
Research Interests: play environments built for/with young people, social reproduction, childcare, children’s mobilities, the production of space, social constructions of waste, and geographies of the recent past


1 pings

  1. […] taken at ICG during my summer there, including a couple moments of quite deep playwork practice.  Reilly Wilson (of play:ground) did some myth-busting on issues of liability on adventure playgrounds, and showed […]

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