CSPEP Colloquium with EP Todd Levon Brown

Come out to see EP Todd Levon Brown!


Welcome Back!

Welcome back! We look forward to seeing you at our first CSPEP Brown Bag meeting on Wednesday, August 28th in the “Hub” (6304.01). Our agenda includes introductions, program updates, announcements of upcoming events, and a group photo. We are looking forward to learning about your summer and getting the semester started!

Fall 2019 Course Schedule

Please click here for the full Fall 2019 Course Schedule!

EP Day May 15th!

See you there! 🙂

EP DAY 2019

Please click here for the Environmental Psychology Presentation Day 2019 Schedule


Please join us for Environmental Psychology Day 2019!

New Futures Initiative Course offered by EP Faculty Tarry Hum

Environmental Psychology Faculty Member Tarry Hum is offering a new course in Fall 2019!

Class Registration has begun! Enroll now!

This course is offered by the Futures Initiative!

Voices of the City: accessibility, reciprocity, and self-representation in place-based community research
[Thursdays, 2:00pm – 4:00pm | CRN: IDS 81620]
  • Tarry Hum (Queens College and The Graduate Center, Environmental Psychology)
  • Prithi Kanakamedala (Bronx Community College, History)
  • Also listed in Psychology, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Sociology, History, and Women’s & Gender Studies
Scholars active in place-based or participatory action research are committed to documenting community narratives and neighborhoods. It is central to our work, rooted in social justice, that these communities are not just represented, but that they have equitable stake in the project. Yet practitioners across the city struggle with core issues of accessibility, reciprocity, self-representation, and equity within the communities they work with. Who do place-based researchers represent, and does our work empower communities to tell their own stories? What histories do we contest and perpetuate with this work? And, who gets to participate? This interdisciplinary course combines best or effective practices in Public History, Oral History, and Urban Planning to consider a number of projects in New York City that seek to document communities and narratives about the city that are not traditionally represented.

Brown Bag: Gabrielle Bendiner-Viani

Please join us for the next brown bag on Wed. May 1st at 11.45am, at
which Gabrielle Bendiner-Viani, an alum of EP, will be speaking about
her new book, Contested City: Art and Public History as Mediation at
New York’s Seward Park Urban Renewal Area, which was recently
published in January 2019.

To learn more about her new book, there is an interesting interview
with her in the following podcast –

EP would like to welcome Dr. Brett Stoudt as a new GC Faculty Member!

The CUNY Graduate Center’s program in Environmental Psychology would like to welcome Dr. Brett Stoudt as a new GC Faculty member!

Brett G. Stoudt, PhD is an Associate Professor in the Psychology Department with a joint appointment in the Gender Studies Program at John Jay College of Criminal justice as well as the Psychology and Social Welfare Doctoral Programs at the Graduate Center. He has worked on numerous participatory action research projects with community groups, lawyers, and policy-makers nationally and internationally. His interests include the social psychology of privilege and oppression as well as aggressive and discriminatory policing practices. He is also interested in critical methodologies, particularly critical approaches to quantitative research. Dr. Stoudt’s work has been published in volumes such asGeographies of Privilege as well as journals such as The Journal of Social Issues. He is the recipient of The Michele Alexander Early Career Award for Scholarship and Service from The Society for the Psychology Study of Social Issues. He has also received the Haupert Humanitarian Award from Moravian College and, with his participatory collective, received the Truth to Power Award for Excellence in Collaborative Research from the Education Node of the Urban Research-Based Action Network. Dr. Stoudt is currently the Associate Director of the Public Science Project.  He is also actively involved with Communities United for Police Reform (CPR) as a steering committee member.

Brown Bag 4/17

This Wednesday on April 17, Brown Bag is hosting two CSP alumni, Dr. Wendy McKenna and Dr. Suzanne Kessler, and their talk on “Where Do Idea Come From and Where Do They Go: Part II” in the Graduate Center room 6304.01.

Please Click HERE for more information!

Fall 2019 Courses

Our Fall 2019 Course List is HERE!


Please Click Here for the Fall 2019 Courses

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 Supported by the CUNY Doctoral Students Council.