Category: Env Psych News
Congratulations, Tellisia!
We are pleased to announce that Tellisia Williams has been awarded the Graduate Center Kenneth B. and Mamie Phipps Clark Dissertation Fellowship for the 2018-19 Academic Year. Dr. Kenneth Clark was a distinguished Professor of Psychology in CUNY’s City College of New York and, with Dr. Mamie Clark, did the research that led to the 1954 Supreme Court “desegregation” …
Program Alumnus Roberta Feldman Receives Leadership Award
The Environmental Psychology program would like to congratulate alumnus Roberta M. Feldman, Ph.D. on her reception of Architectural Record’s Women in Architecture Design Leadership Award. Roberta was selected for the 2016 honor as an Activist, given to an architect who has used her skills to design for social change and effect the public realm. The award will …
Hannah Jaicks receives award from International Research Fund
Soon-to-be defending EP student Hannah Jaicks was recently the recipient of an award from the Sarah Baker Memorial Fund. This fund is distributed by the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative (Y2Y), a joint Canada-U.S. not-for-profit organization that connects and protects habitat from Yellowstone to Yukon so people and nature can thrive. The Sarah Baker grants support student projects that …
EP Student, Do Lee, wins Best Student Paper 2014 !
Congratulations to Do Lee for having his paper “Embodied bicycle commuters in a car world” selected as this year’s Graduate Student Award winner for APA Division 34! The paper was based on research that explored how people experience the transition to bicycle commuting lifestyles through a bike to work event in Lake Tahoe, CA. The paper was recognized …
Dr. Roger Hart featured on NPR Podcast
Our very own Dr. Roger Hart was featured on NPR Podcast, Invisibilia, a podcast that explores the intangible forces that shape human behavior – things like ideas, beliefs, assumptions and emotions. The particular episode that featured Roger, entitled Fearless, aired on January 16, 2015. In the podcast Roger discusses his research conducted in Vermont which investigates …
Dr. Susan Saegert receives the 2015 Newman-Proshansky Career Achievement Award for Division 34
We are very pleased to announce that Dr. Susan Saegert has been selected to receive the 2015 Newman-Proshansky Career Achievement Award for Division 34 of the American Psychological Association, the Society for Environmental, Population and Conservation Psychology. The faculty and students in the Environmental Psychology program agree that this is a wonderful and much deserved …
Environmental Psych Students Represent at Critical Geography Conference!
Environmental psychology students made a wide presence this past weekend at the Critical Geography Conference at Temple University in Philadelphia. Students presented on a range of topics including: the production of cumulative irresponsibility in neoliberal streetscapes and a proposal for reconstructing shared collective responsibility for more equitable streetscapes for all users, how the broad spectrum of people in …
EP Alum, Dr. Jen Jack Gieseking in HuffPo Discussing (lack of) Queer Spaces
Jen Jack Gieseking, Environmental Psychology program alum and current Postdoctoral Fellow at Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine recently published a Blog OpEd for the Huffington Post on the contextual implications of the closing of the only bar dedicated to serving lesbians in San Francisco. Her post was followed up with an interview on HuffPost Live. In her …
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