In the fall of 2015 Environmental Psychology student Kristen Hackett was elected as Chair-Elect (S.Y. 2015/2016) and Chair (S.Y. 2016/2017) of the Graduate Student Committee of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI). SPSSI, Division 9 of the American Psychological Association, is a good fit both professionally and academically. As a graduate student, her research has been underpinned by an unwavering commitment to understanding, documenting, and confronting issues of social injustice (i.e. homelessness and housing policy, equitable urban development, institutional discrimination). Indeed, her decision to pursue graduate school hinged on my desire to be in a position to address the important social issues of our time. Beyond research, she has taken on multiple leadership roles in the last five years, serving as a student representative on our program’s Executive Committee during her first two years, as Program Representative on our university-wide Doctoral Student Council the following year, and as an At-Large Representative for the same council in her 4th year. Duties for the position include representing graduate student concerns at the SPSSI council meetings, and working with the Graduate Student Committee to bring information and conference programming to graduate students that will help them continue to conduct research that has life and voice beyond the academy, and incites real world change. Feel free to contact her at with any questions about the organization, or if you’d like to get involved in SPSSI more!